Date : March 1st, 2021Posted By : JRE Staff

Everything You Need To Know About Hose Cutting Machine

Hose cutting machines are designed to cut the steel/textile braid hydraulic hoses and other industrial hoses. Hose cutting machines are widely used in industries as it is a breakthrough technology intended to cut down heavy or lightweight hoses effortlessly.

Cutting hoses are equipped with standard or toothed cutting blades with a predefined speed of rotation. The intended hose is manually (with a lever), pneumatically, or hydraulically pressed against the blade’s tooth. If you want to purchase a hose cutting machine, you need to ascertain that the cutting device is customized to meet your business needs.

Parameters To Choose The Right Hose Cutting Machine.

Before you purchase a hose cutting machine, you should analyze the following areas:

· External diameter of the hose
· Type of hose which is to be cut
· Motor type
· Drive and available accessories such as hose boss, cuts counter, length measuring unit.

Determining these factors will help you to cut the hoses smoothly. The hose cutting machine feeds, measures, and cuts the hose most suitably.

Hose Cutting Software

The software can be integrated into the hose cutting machine operations. It will provide a real vision of the expected result on the screen. It can simulate a three-dimensional picture of the hose, reducing the errors during the cutting process. Hence, a technologically advanced system allows users to create standard hoses based on their requirements.

Types Of Blades

· Abrasive Wheels: it runs at high speed to grind/melt away rubber or the other soft materials of the hose. It can also cut through high-strength steel reinforcement wires. It generates heat, smoke, and debris during the process.

· Steel Blades: It is a cleaner technology as compared to abrasive wheels. The circular blades slice the hose instead of making a path through it. Hence, no waste is generated during this process. Steel blades bend the hose, creating tension in the hose to pull away from the blade while it is being cut. This bending action makes the cutting process more straightforward. It also protects the hose ends from grinding against the spinning blades. As there is minimal contact between the sides of the blade and the hose, it does not generate smoke. Hence, it is an effective way to cut the hose.

· Circular Knife Blades: It comes in four styles.

1. Smooth Beveled Edge Blade: It generates the least amount of dust. It can cut industrial rubber hose which has no steel in it.
2. Wavy Scalloped Edge Knife: It gives a more significant aggressive cutting action. The wavy edge of the blade is used to make interrupted cutting contact with the desired hose. It can cut all types of hydraulic, pneumatic, PVC, or thermoplastic hose. It requires lesser operator pressure than smooth edge blades.
3. Notched Edge Blade: It has chamfered edges formed in the notched blade. It can cut steel wire reinforcement in a hydraulic hose.
4. Euro Slot Blade: It is a variation in the wavy scalloped edge blade.
To Conclude:
Hose-cutting machines are designed to cut the hoses in the industries. Depending on the hose’s diameter and material, you can choose a suitable hose cutting machine with the appropriate blade. Selecting the right edge ensures clean cuts, safe operation, and less smoke.

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